EESD Symposium 2020
The first Symposium on Earthquake Engineering hosted by FCP.VCE in cooperation with ÖIAV has been an online event at November 19, 2020.
Six lecturers contributed to the topic "modern earthquake engineering" and showed "safe applications ot modern methods in earthquake engineering" in our webinar.
We are happy to share with you the recorded webinar and presentations slides - please check out the contents below.
Link zum Onlinestream

„ Seismic performance of new and existing buildings in Romania “
Radu Vacareanu . UTCB - Technical University for Civil Engineering

„ Entwicklung einer regionalen Erdbebengefährdungskarte für Österreich “
Stefan Weginger . ZAMG - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik

„ Dynamische Tragwerksantwort basierend auf dem Wiener Erdbebensatz “
Lukas Moschen . FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH

„ Push-Over-Analyse von Bestandsgebäuden “
Peter Bauer . Werkraum Ingenieure ZT-GmbH

„ Hochbauten aus Vollfertigteil Wänden und Decken – Erdbebennachweis “
Martin Schramböck . MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH

„ Recent advances on earthquake engineering of geo-structures and civil infrastructure “
Grigorios Tsinidis . FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH