DI Walter Nemeth Leaves FCP
Mr. Walter Nemeth resigned as member of the management as of 30 September 2021 for private reasons and will leave FCP as of 31 December 2021 at his own request.
Walter Nemeth has been in charge of the development of the sectors technical and financial control as well as project management at FCP in the last 25 years. Professional milestones in his time at FCP were activities in the projects:
- Post am Rochusmarkt
- Hospital Wien Nord
- Hospital Klagenfurt
- Hospital Barmherzigen Brüder Wien
- Hospital Barmherzigen Brüder Graz
- Ares Tower
- Reconstruction Palais Kinsky
In the organization Walter Nemeth was responsible for quality management and commercial administration, led these areas with dedication and foresight and has thus contributed to continuous growth of FCP.
Dear Walter,
we appreciate the many common experiences in this long-standing cooperation.
We thank you for your commitment for our company and cordially wish you all the best for your way in future.
Wolf-Dietrich Denk
Christian Nüssel
Dieter Pichler
Robert Schedler