Environmental Noise Directive – Noise Mapping 2022 Vienna
Generation and Preparation of strategic noise maps according to EU and Local Environmental Noise Directive for the reporting in 2022.
How high is the actual noise impact in Vienna?
FCP was repeatedly awarded to generate the actual strategic noise maps in the City of Vienna. In intervals of 5 years the European Parliament and the European Council released the obligation to implement the European Noise Directive 2002/49/EG resulting in strategic noise maps considering traffic noise from road and railways, aircraft noise and noise from industrial plants (IPPC plants).To prepare the generation and publication of the strategic noise maps in 2022 FCP is currently collecting traffic data in representative sections on site and starts with three-dimensional mapping of the City of Vienna. Subsequently different scenarios of noise sources and impacts will be generated and prepared for publication.
On the plattform laerminfo.at the strategic noise maps of the year 2017 can be reviewed for each and every location in Vienna.
To refine the noise model the actual traffic is counted at several locations. The results will be adopted to the main traffic network and considered in the noise model.
Additionally a detailed investigation of facades and a three-dimensional presentaton of noise levels at building surfaces shall be implemented in the model.
Client. Vienna Environmental Protection Department, MA 22
Services FCP. noise mapping, acoustic calculations of railway, road and site noise
Participating CCs. CC Acoustics, Dynamics, Building Physics, Measurement & Instrumentation