BAUTECHtalks 2019
Earlier exchange and better cooperation was one of the central topics of this year’s panel discussion at the BautechTalks of öbv (Austrian Society for Construction Technology).
Robert Schedler, managing director at FCP, was one of the participants of the talks and asked building owners, designers, architects and construction companies to express common objectives as early as in the awarding procedure and the assignment process.
“Working without BIM is no longer possible. Only working at the digital model enables us to think no longer in linear and clearly defined sections. We must allow learning loops and no longer pay a myriad of people concerned with the question why we are in a loop at the moment and who is responsible for it.“
Robert Schedler sees a big chance in unprejudiced approaches of young engineers, designers and architects. “You can start from the very beginning if you commence this exciting profession. Just leave all the ballast behind that concerns us here today and think about building in a new way.”