16th FCP Innovation Award Ceremony
To acknowledge the importance of innovation and sustainability in civil engineering, the FCP Innovation Prize was awarded to Marlene Wachberger, Alexander Dummer and Raphael Reismüller at TU Wien on October 24, 2024.
Vienna – For the 16th time, the prestigious FCP Innovation Prize for outstanding achievements in sustainable civil engineering was awarded at TU Wien. The biennial award recognises innovative technical contributions by means of diploma theses or dissertations at Austrian universities.
This year’s award ceremony took place on October 24, 2024, in Kuppelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology as part of the Faculty Day for the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering. A distinguished selection committee, comprising representatives from the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Innsbruck, and FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH, awarded the three best projects in the categories of "Diploma Thesis" and "Dissertation." A total of €10,000 in prize money was distributed.

This year, a total of 16 diploma theses and 8 dissertations were submitted. In the "Diploma Thesis" category, BSc. Marlene Wachberger was honoured for her work titled "Entwicklung eines bionischen Tragwerks aus Textilbeton nach dem Vorbild des Kofferfischskeletts" (Development of a Bionic Textile Concrete Structure Inspired by the Boxfish Skeleton). In the "Dissertation" category, two works were awarded: Dr.techn. Alexander Dummer for "Numerical and Experimental Modelling of the Time-Dependent, Nonlinear Constitutive Behaviour of Quasi-Brittle Materials", and Dr.techn. Raphael Reismüller for his dissertation "Finite-Elemente-basierte Einheitszellen-Modelle zur Simulation von Hochlochziegelmauerwerken und deren Anwendung zur Optimierung von Ziegelprodukten" (Finite-Element-Based Unit Cell Models for Simulating Perforated Brick Masonry and their Application in Optimising Brick Products).
The next FCP Innovation Award will be presented in 2026.

„ The FCP Innovation Prize is not only a recognition of outstanding achievements but also an important signal underscoring the significance of innovation in the construction industry. The submitted projects impressively demonstrate how young talents can shape the future of our sector. “
Dieter Pichler, Managing Director FCP