U4 Modernization . Reconstruction of Station Pilgramgasse
In the scope of the comprehensive modernization works along the underground railway line U4 the restoration of some sections of the track superstructure and substructure including retaining wall as well as the installation of additional track connections is planned.
In the summer months the approx. 3.5 km long section between Karlsplatz and Längenfeldgasse was restored. In this section also the future junction U4/U2 Pilgramgasse is located.

The section "Station Pilgramgasse" comprises all the required building measures for the restoration and modernization of the underground railway line U4 as well as building measures which are necessary as preparatory services for the realization of a future connection to the underground railway line U2.
In the area of the station Pilgramgasse platforms and collectors of the U4 are modernized by structural renewal and repair works. In accordance with a future connection of the underground railway line U2 to the existing U4 route in the area of the station Pilgramgasse (U2/U4 connecting station) preliminary building measures for the future line U2 are implemented. These preparatory services are realized in order to be able to best use synergies from these two projects both from a technical and an economic point of view.
FCP is assigned with static and structural design in the project “Station Pilgramgasse”. For the handling of this project also BIM-compatible design was performed. Our design consortium consists of the offices iC/pcd/FCP.
The whole section of U4 modernization was assessed with regard to the expected impacts due to noise and vibration (renewal of the track superstructure and substructure, track connections etc.).
Client. Wiener Linien
Services. static and structural design (submission, tender and detailed structural design), measurement, assessment and prediction