New Construction Route Wendlingen - Ulm
The new construction route Wendlingen – Ulm is a section of the high-speed route between Stuttgart and Ulm. On the 60-km-long route a total of 120 km of tracks are built and shall go into operation in December 2022 according to schedule, where speeds of up to 250 km/h will be reached. In connection with the completion of Stuttgart 21 in 2025 the travelling time on the high-speed route between Ulm and Stuttgart will be shortened from 54 to 28 minutes.
FCP is responsible for the design of the ballast-less track and underground cable works on the route between Wendlingen and Ulm on behalf of the executing consortium BSA. The project can boast impressive figures: half of the approx. 60-km-long route runs through eleven tunnels, including four tunnels with lengths of over 4 km. The latter are also equipped with concrete track slabs so that they can be passed by emergency vehicles. On 17 bridges ballast-less tracks of type Rheda 2000 are installed with the 450m-long Filstal Bridge as a special highlight. Also accessible rail expansion joints and compensation plates are used here. Furthermore 24 turnouts (partly made accessible for emergency vehicles with steel structures) are established as ballast-less tracks and partial areas of the route are equipped with light and heavy floating track slab systems for the protection of the neighbours against vibration.
Along the route FCP was also responsible for the design of the underground cable works which comprised among others the connection of the plant room as well as the design of several special mast foundations in the track area.
Location. Wendlingen – Ulm, Germany
Client. Consortium Bahntechnik Schwäbische Alb Rhomberg – Swietelsky for DB AG
Services of FCP. Detailed design, ballast-less and ballasted track construction as well as underground cable works
Participating CCs. CC Railway Engineering