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About FCP

In the construction industry, our design and consulting assignments are complex. With creativity, joy, and a network of ideas, we are confident that we can meet these challenges.

Openness, self-responsibility, and people who are led by their aspirations are the fertile soil for this creativity.

A culture of appreciative collaboration enables trust between project partners with diverse needs.

The foundation of our activities are solid technical know-how, mutual group support, and a culture in which errors are dealt with constructively.

We weigh the consequences of our actions carefully.

These are our contributions to a sustainable and better life-quality.


The consulting engineering office was founded by Kurt Wenzel in Vienna in 1960. In 1972 it was taken over by Peter Fritsch and Gerd Chiari.

In 1995 a ZT-GmbH was founded and currently has the following managing directors:

Günther Achs
Wolf-Dietrich Denk
Joachim Lanschützer
Christian Nüssel
Dr. Dieter Pichler
Robert Schedler

and is supported by the following authorized representatives:

Michael Fritsch
Markus Müller
Barbara Winter
Rudolf Felsner
Hanno Töll

In the mid-1980s FCP had approx. 20 employees, today the office – including associated companies – employs approx. 350 persons.

The design activities comprise a wide spectrum with assignments in the field of structural and civil engineering. These engineering services are performed both for projects in Austria and abroad.

These successful design services of the last few decades were confirmed by the Austrian Consulting Award.

Sustainability with FCP

We are proud of having received the bronze medal in the internationally recognized sustainability assessment by Ecovadis and reached a position above the sector average in all assessment areas including environment, sustainable provision, ethics as well as employment and health protection). Furthermore, our environmental management system has been certified according to ISO 14001 for several years.


We annually calculate our carbon footprint including the mobility of our employees and our business trips. The constant improvement of our environmental performance is very important to us. We managed to implement many improvement measures like the continuous adjustment of the vehicle fleet to electric vehicles, support of our employees for climate-friendly mobility (job ticket, home office and campaigns like “FCP radelt um die Welt” (FCP cycles around the world)), as well as our ongoing efforts to reduce our business trips to a minimum and perform them in an environment-friendly way.

In addition, we founded the KliNa initiative (climate and sustainability) in 2020 to integrate environment and climate protection into our services.

Climate-friendly Mobility


In terms of a climate-friendly mobility management FCP.VCE continuously implements further measures.
The following already belongs to our daily routine:

Mobility of staff members

  • All staff members get support for using public transport in Vienna by means of the job ticket (annual ticket for Wiener Linien).
  • The introduction of one home office day per week is gladly accepted by the staff members. Commuting is thus reduced.
  • FCP takes part in the campaign “Wien radelt” (Vienna is cycling). Our company-internal aim is to cycle around the world every year (= 40,075 km).

Business trips

  • Business trips shall be preferably made by railway.
  • Flights shall be avoided and replaced with teleconferences if possible.
  • Company-owned bikes are available to employees for official appointments outside the office.
  • New company vehicles are selected due to their environmental compatibility apart from safety aspects and fitness for work.

Managing Directors

Since 1 October 1995 the office has been managed as FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH. The management board currently consists of six persons.

Authorized Represen­ta­tives

The management comprises three authorized representatives apart from the managing partners.


FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner obtained the Austrian Award for International Consulting three times and was nominated in this category nine times. Furthermore FCP was nominated for the Austrian Award for Telematics for the research project DyGes in 2006.

In 2018 FCP received the European Concrete Award for the project “ÖAMTC Mobility Centre”.



2024 VZI Award
Digital Project Universe(DPU®)

"Digital Opportunities" campaign

2022 Vorbildliches Bauen
Campus FH St. Pölten

Honoured by the federal government of Lower Austria for exemplary construction.

2019 European Steel Design Awards
ÖAMTC Mobility Centre Vienna

The ÖAMTC Mobility Centre in Vienna received the European Steel Design Awards 2019.

2018 European Concrete Award
ÖAMTC Mobility Centre Vienna

FCP received the European Concrete Award 2018 with the project “ÖAMTC Mobility Centre”.

2016 European Steel Bridge Award
Botlek Bridge, the Netherlands

Award of the ECCS for outstanding consultancy and design services for the Botlek Bridge.

2016 Constructor Prize
Geriatric Centre Rudolfsheim, Vienna

The jury especially recognized the concept how to let elderly, infirm persons and persons suffering from dementia participate in social life.

2016 KOOP Award
Main Railway Station Vienna

Award of the öbv for the whole project team for the excellent execution of the construction project.

2015 Austrian Consulting Award
Botlek Bridge – World‘s Largest Lifting Bridge, the Netherlands

The Ministry of Economics recognized the unique realization of the project.

2012 Austrian National Award for Architecture and Sustainability
NÖ Haus Krems

With a maximum heating demand of 10 kWh(m²a) the NÖ Haus Krems reaches the passive-solar house standard.

2011 Mobility Prize
Sound Insulated Track System of Vienna’s Tram

This system can both minimize the vibrations and the ground-borne noise immissions in the adjoining buildings.

2011 Constructor Prize
LKH Klagenfurt NEU
The new regional hospital in Klagenfurt is the third largest hospital in Austria and is an alternative to the standard type of large-scale hospitals.

1999 Austrian Consulting Award
Kao Ping Hsi Bridge, Taiwan

The Kao Ping Hsi in Taiwan is a cable-stayed bridge with a record-breaking cantilever of 330 metres.

1990 Austrian Consulting Award
Olympic Grand Bridge, South Korea

Cable-stayed bridge built with the free cantilever method by means of cantilever equipment developed by FCP.




Austrian Consulting Award
StrucInspect and Bridge Inspection 4.0


Vienna Engineering Prize
Chenab Cable Crane, India


Constructor Prize
Geriatric Centre Baumgarten, Vienna


SHM Hans-Juergen Schmidt Award


Austrian Consulting Award
Assessment of Buildings under Seismic Load


Austrian Construction Award
Assessment of Buildings under Seismic Load


Austrian Champions in European Research
IRIS – Integrated Risk Management in Industrial Systems


Austrian Consulting Award
A Contribution to the Realization of Sustainable Energy Supply – Biogas Container in System Building Construction Method


Austrian Award for Telematics
DyGeS . Dynamic Weight Registration System


Austrian Consulting Award
Ballast-less Track and Floating Track Slab North-South-Railway Tunnel Berlin, Germany


Austrian Consulting Award
IMAC . Integrated Monitoring & Assessment of Cables


Austrian Consulting Award
CaSCo . Consistant Semi Active System Control


Austrian Consulting Award
Floating Track Slab System


Austrian Consulting Award 
Bridge Monitoring System


Austrian Consulting Award
Wind Tunnel Test . Kao Ping Hsi Bridge, Taiwan


Austrian Consulting Award
Incremental Launched Bridges, Taiwan


Our company has been committed to proper and faithful business-relationships throughout its history for more than 50 years.

Complying with today’s legal conditions all staff members are subject to rigorous and distinct rules of behaviour in contact with clients and third parties. These rules are set out in an internal code of conduct. Important issues are the confidential treatment of information and the observation of correct customer relations without granting of undue advantages of any kind. All staff members are strictly bound to these rules which are supervised as part of our QM system. Perceptions of incorrect behaviour shall be reported to the management or to the “compliance officer”, who is to inform the representative of the client and, if appropriate, initiate adequate measures.

We are striving for the highest quality and reliability of our services as well as absolute loyalty vis-à-vis our clients.

The responsible Compliance Officer in our company is Ms. Evita Reich-Schröttner.

2020 . 60 Jahre Jubiläum

2010 . 50th Anniversary