This was the first KliNa Day
Climate protection and sustainability in construction engineering was the motivation of FCP.VCE for the first KliNa Day. The latter took place on 21 September with a diversified programme including presentations, discussions and networking as well as experts from various fields. In conclusion there was an active exchange and time for discussions and networking.
Representatives from research, the economy and politics held presentations and supplied field reports as well as best-practice examples.
Here is the link to the KliNa-Day website for more information.

Peter Nageler of nonconform explained on the basis of the “Donut Effect” that town centres are vacant and business and living quarters have shifted to the boundaries of Austria’s towns and villages. His contribution mainly treated building regarding existing structures, brownfield development, serial recovery concepts and the energy revolution.
Christian Holzer presented the objectives of ÖBB Infra in his contribution, which provide for more sustainability in the ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG and in strategic network development.
Dieter Werner of Vienna’s municipal department MA39 gave an overview about the current situation in the city of Vienna in the first part of his presentation. The second part dealt with “getting into action” – the levels of the inspection authority.
Reinhard Steurer of the BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences) pointed out in his presentation that we are no longer in a climate crisis but in a climate emergency. The individual pseudo-climate protection strikes each of us every day. Quotation of Mr. Steurer, “Pseudo-climate protection is the most popular (heard & told) fairy-tale of our time.”
Our internal lecturers reported on flagship projects from practice, innovation projects and research activities, and the KliNa-initiative of FCP.VCE was presented.
In conclusion there was an interesting panel discussion, where the external lecturers could directly discuss their issues once more.
We kindly thank all the participants for this successful and informative afternoon in the name of climate protection and sustainability.