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LCCO2 Berechnungstool

LCCO2 Calculation Tool

Research project

Presentation of structural & operational life-cycle costs as well as eco-balance aspects in the life cycle of infrastructure.

The calculation tool called LCCO2 was created for the performance of analyses of alternatives for infrastructure and determines the costs and the amount of CO2 for the whole life cycle (production, construction, operation, demolition, disposal/recycling).

FCP has essentially developed this tool in the course of a more than 2.5-year-commitment in form of comprehensive research and development, software design and programming as well as tool validation at various reference calculations.




ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH

Main Focus

The developed LCCO2 tool was methodically based on the two subsequent rules and standards:

  • RVS 13.05.11 Lebenszykluskostenermittlung für Brücken: Österreichische Forschungsgesellschaft Straße/Schiene/Verkehr; März 2017 (Life-cycle cost determination for bridges: Austrian Research Association Road/Railways/Traffic; March 2017)
  • ÖNORM EN 15804:2022. Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken – Umweltproduktdeklarationen – Grundregeln für die Produktkategorie Bauprodukte. Austrian Standard Institute, Wien. (Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for the product category of construction products. Austrian Standard Institute, Vienna)

This should equally ensure both the correctness of the structural & operational life-cycle costs (ageing and cost models according to RVS) and an appropriate illustration of the eco-balance aspects in the life cycle of infrastructure.

The LCCO2 calculation tool provides a standardized, stable first assessment of the calculative carbon footprint on the basis of a representative data collection of greenhouse gas emission factors in the preliminary project phase in infrastructure for the following six asset categories:

• bridges • road superstructure • dams • abutments • trough structures • noise barriers

In autumn the calculation tool LCCO2 additionally won the ASFINAG Sustainability Prize 2023.