Building Safety Inspections
Office building, public facilities
We were able to extend our competence as engineering consultants with the framework contract “building safety inspections in Lower Austria“.
The process of a building condition assessment including cost and risk estimate was developed for this project.
Within the scope of this project the facades and public staircases of more than 60 public buildings in Lower Austria are annually analysed and assessed.
Lower Austria, Austria
Amt der NÖ Landesregierung
Main Focus

„ The specific feature in this project is interdisciplinary cooperation of different specialists in the team of FCP. This is how the demanding requirements could be met on time and to the full satisfaction of all persons involved. “
Dr.techn. Günther Achs
Building safety inspections comprise a visual and personal inspection of objects on site as well as risk assessment and estimation of the detected damage and defects and a cost estimation including cost schedule and budgeting of measures. The objects to be checked are above all historical buildings and new buildings with predominantly artificial or natural stone facades erected around 1995.
Building safety inspection, assessment and action planning was completed for 2018. Further inspections and monitoring of actions and costs were commissioned for an additional period of 8 years.