ÖGNI Golden Award for Campus St. Pölten
The campus received the pre-certificate in gold as sustainable educational building by the ÖGNI (Austrian Sustainable Building Council). Since the beginning of the design phase sustainable construction and operation were important components for the conception of a new annex.
Due to increasing numbers of students at the University of Applied Sciences at St. Pölten the university building, which started operation in 2007, is extended by an annex. This annex shall enable a pedagogic learning and teaching environment in a technologically and artistically high-grade and future-oriented building for up to 3,500 students (referring to the existing building and the annex). In accordance with the extension the existing parking area is also enlarged. In the existing building the cooling system is retrofitted and the canteen is adapted to the new number of students.
Client. City of St. Pölten
Services of FCP. Structural design, fire protection and internal coordination for design management