Mind:shift: New Concept for Buildings in Times of the Climate Crisis
On 16 March 2023 the event organized by FCP, MO.O.CON and ClimatePartner took place in the ÖAMTC headquarters in Erdberg, Vienna.
The objective was to make the possible levers for reaching the climate targets more understandable for decision makers from different sectors. For this purpose, three focusses were highlighted – the design, the utilization and the operation of office and production sites.

FCP provided the participants with concentrated expertise on the topics of digitization, energy efficiency, circular economy and life-cycle analyses. This took place within the scope of deep-dive keynote speeches and statements in the morning as well as the workshop talk "Kreislauf und Lebenszyklen denken" (Consider cycles and life cycles) with Markus Meissner of BauKarussell.
There were a lot of visitors, the topics presented met with great interest and there were a lot of fascinating talks and discussions.
We have the streaming of the event here for you to watch:
The event was planned as a kick-off for a series of events in which FCP would like to commit itself also in future.