PRESS INVITATION: The Digital Project Universe
Dear Sir or Madam,
Digitization is an essential factor for the successful handling of building projects. Both in new construction and in existing buildings keywords like BIM, digital twin, artificial intelligence and cloud platforms shape the daily lives of designers. The engineering office FCP (Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH) has participated in the digital transformation of civil engineering from the beginning and promotes digital innovation in the company by the integration of new technologies.
In the press conference to which you are cordially invited, you will learn which digital requirements are necessary for owners, designers and operators for the implementation of sustainable and innovative building projects and how FCP considerably facilitates the handling of building projects for all persons involved by implementing a digital project universe:
When: Wednesday, 18 October 2023, 09:30 a.m.
Where: Hotel MOTTO, Bel Étage SALON 1, Mariahilfer Strasse 71a, 1060 Vienna
As design manager for all site-progress related trades, detailed design, site supervision & project management FCP also planned the Hotel MOTTO as BIM project due to the complex historic building fabric. On site your dialogue partner, FCP managing director DI Wolf-Dietrich Denk and his project team, will demonstrate a software product developed by FCP and already well-tried, which considerably facilitates the planning process for all persons involved and continues BIM in practice, for the first time.
We are looking forward to your participation and kindly ask for your registration by e-mail to by 6 October 2023 at the latest.
Press Contact:
Bianca Schmidt, M.A.
Public Relations
Marxergasse 1B, 1030 Wien
+43 699 12707205

How to reach the destination: We recommend you use public transport for reasons of environment-friendliness. Hotel MOTTO is located next to the underground railway station (U3) Neubaugasse. The entrance to the hotel is round the corner in Schadekgasse 20. MAHÜ77 is the next chargeable parking garage.