Cycle Path Project Lassallestrasse
The project comprises the section between Reichsbrücke and Praterstern on a length of 870 m.
Starting point was the creation of a fast cycle connection as part of the long-distance northern cycle route along the western side of Praterstrasse (connection of the city development area and the frontier to Lower Austria). Die Konzeption dieser Radfahranlage soll eine möglichst optimale Linienführung mit wenig Konfliktpunkten und einer angestrebten durchschnittlichen Fahrgeschwindigkeit von 15 km/h ergeben. The conception of this cycle path shall have an optimum alignment with few conflict points and an average target speed of 15 km/h. The net width is specified with 4 m.
In addition, the parking spaces in the west were removed, pavements were adjusted, and 36 new trees and 11 standard shrubs were planned. Moreover, 1,300m² of new green areas were created.
The section was put into operation just in time before the Vienna marathon at the beginning of April 2023.
Location. 1020 Wien
Client. MA 28
Services. Detailprojekt, Bauphasenplanung, Massenermittlung und Ausschreibung, SiGe-Plan
Beteiligte CCs. CC Traffic Design .