FCP on the Municipal Fair
The municipal fair 2023 takes place on 21 and 22 June 2023 in the scope of the Austrian municipal day at the fairground of Innsbruck. FCP participates for the first time and presents sustainable concepts to make communities climate-proof.
The municipal fair is the biggest fair for communities in Austria. More than 200 exhibitors present their newest products, services, trend-setting ideas and practical solutions for communities.
Auf der Kommunalmesse können Gemeindevertreter:innen mit FCP direkt in Kontakt treten. Lassen Sie sich beraten und finden Sie passende Ideen zur Umsetzung - unsere FCP Expert:innen sind gerne für Sie vor Ort.
We are looking forward to your visit on the municipal fair 2023 at booth A432 in Halle A!

In 2023 FCP participates in the municipal fair for the first time and takes the chance to personally get into contact with the policy makers of Austrian communities. FCP offers a comprehensive portfolio of services from eco-friendly construction & rehabilitation to greening of buildings & free spaces up to mobility & water management to make communities more sustainable, worth living and fit for the future. With climate protection concepts FCP concentrates all competencies in the field of climate protection and sustainability and supports the communities from design up to implementation.
The impacts of the climate change are perceptible in many places all over Austria. Heat waves, floods, mudslides or crop failures burden communities and their inhabitants. The good news: towns and communities can contribute a lot to climate protection. They can protect the population against the heat by means of specific measures, initiate steps against the climate crisis and thus actively shape the future of their community. There are many screws you can tighten. The correct mix of measures leads to positive synergy effects. FCP has the necessary know-how for that and can offer specific and individual solutions for villages, communities and towns.