New Construction of Line 27
The new construction of the tram line 27 is created as new attractive public connection to Seestadt Aspern and the urban development areas Berresgasse and Heidjöchl in Vienna (district Donaustadt). For this purpose, the existing route of line 26 shall be extended from the Zanggasse/Pirquetgasse crossroads up to the U2 underground railway station Aspern Nord. In the area of Hirschstettner Allee a green boulevard for pedestrians and cyclists shall be created parallel to the new 800 m long green track to increase the attractivity of the development area.
Location. 1220 Vienna, Austria
Client. Wiener Linien
Project partner. VSP Stolitzka & Partner ZT GmbH
Services. Tender design, detailed design, construction supervision
Beteiligte CCs. CC Railway Engineering, CC Bridge Design & Structural Analysis, CC Traffic Design, CC Acoustics, Dynamics, Building Physics, Measurement & Instrumentation

FCP supports Wiener Linien as a client with efficient project handling from concept preparation up to completion as well as construction supervision and management during the construction phase. The design comprises soundproof track systems, car catchers and green track. Apart from track construction, pedestrian path, stops and drainage and infiltration systems, an installation survey and coordination, traffic route design, a construction and material utilization concept as well as design coordination are performed by FCP.
Line 27 route runs over a planned route in a built area, on an embankment and a bridge structure to be newly erected and ends with a terminal loop on Nelson-Mandela-Platz in Seestadt Aspern to be newly designed. Furthermore, FCP is responsible for bridge design and structural analysis. The bridge structure with pedestrian paths on both sides spans an ÖBB station, the U2-railway track and the future ASFINAG highway. In addition, the bridge carries two tram tracks with combined public bus traffic and accommodates a tram station directly connected with the U2 station Aspern.
The construction is carried out during full operation within a construction period of 1.5 years. The ambitious construction time requires intensive exchange with the client, the authorities, the project participants as well as the design teams of parallel planning projects in the area concerned. Completion is planned for autumn 2025.
Key data.
- Length of the route: 2,450 m
- 10 stops
- 10 turnouts
- 2 infiltration systems
- Drainpipes: 3,000 m
- Pedestrian path along the line: 1,000 m
- Tram bridge: 117m (4 spans with a max. span length of 33 m and a width of 14.3 m)