Symposium "Umweltaspekte bei Nahverkehrsbahnen"
Please visit the 2nd symposium “Umweltaspekte bei Nahverkehrsbahnen” (Environmental aspects of local railway lines) on 4 June in Munich / Planegg. After the first symposium in 2022 Müller-BBM Rail Technologies, Müller-BBM Industry Solutions, FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner and FCP IBU cordially invite you again.
The focuses of the symposium 2024 are on
- noise and vibration aspects,
- electro-magnetic effects,/li>
- and the impacts of local traffic on the climate and air pollutants.
The focusing of the symposium on practical problems was important to us. The topics are explained based on specific tasks. After the presentation of the papers there is sufficient time for inspiring discussions.
We are happy that we were able to engage renowned speakers who will also be available apart from the lectures and share their experience with you.
More information and registration via the website: