NBS Wendlingen – Ulm
New railway route
After completion of the route, the travel time between Stuttgart and Ulm will be reduced from 54 to 28 minutes due to high speeds of up to 250 km/h.
FCP plans a ballast-less track system for the 60 km long partial route of the railway project Stuttgart-Ulm on behalf of the consortium Rhomberg – Swietelsky.
The design for the new route Wendlingen-Ulm comprises all in all 118 km of track. The lot contains 60 km of tunnel tracks, 11 short bridges (spans smaller than 25 m), 7 long bridges with spans up to 472 m (Filstal bridge) as well as 16 turnouts and 1.7 km of floating track slab systems.
Wendlingen – Ulm, Germany
Consortium Bahntechnik Schwäbische Alb Rhomberg – Swietelsky for DB AG
Main Focus
Competence Centre

„ The project stands out for its target-oriented focus on the success of the project and the good coordination and cooperation of all persons involved. “
Susanne Weiser
Subject of the processing is slab track design, which will be passable in considerable areas also for rubber-tired emergency vehicles. Some turnouts will be equipped with special trafficability elements. Special requirements for vibration and secondary noise prevention (mass-spring system) are also provided, with full-surface bearing lightweight mass-spring systems and heavy mass-spring systems with strip bearings as well as transitions between the systems used and designed by FCP.
Furthermore, cable foundation work is planned for track parts on earthworks. A special challenge in design was the consideration of drainage and synthetic waterproofing in water protection areas which prevents water from the railway tracks to reach the subsoil.