Railway Section Bruck/Mur – Graz
Life cycle model
Development of an interdisciplinary life cycle model.
According to the increase of the capacity and the operational availability of the railway section Bruck/Mur – Graz the technical condition of all assets needs to be enhanced.
Thus, FCP has developed an integrated life-cycle methodology in order to analyse the current ageing process and propose the necessary upcoming interventions of maintenance and replacement for different asset classes (bridges, walls, electrical engineering, signalling and trackwork).
Styria, Austria
ÖBB Infra
Main Focus
Competence Centre
For that purpose, it was necessary to analyse the available assessment data of various assets and compare the current condition of these objects to the theoretical ageing models. Based on this comparison tailored maintenance plans were elaborated for every individual facility, before the derived interventions were harmonised following the constraints from different asset groups and the given demands for condition and availability). The final output is given by cross-asset optimised maintenance plans and a corresponding condition prognosis for 2025.