Noise and Air . Cocoa Roasting Hauswirth
The company Hauswirth is planning the operation of a cocoa roasting plant in Kittsee. By order of the company Hauswirth FCP performs a sonic study and a study on the odour immissions in the nearest neighbourhood. The cocoa roasting plant is a unique facility in Austria in this form, which was designed by the company Hauswirth.
In a test run the acoustic emissions and odorous substances were recorded and subsequently analysed by measurement engineers of FCP. The odorous substances released during cocoa roasting were examined and an atmospheric dispersion simulation based on the latter was performed to determine the impacts of the odours created in the neighbourhood. The acoustic emissions measured are entered into a dispersion calculation program and the predicted immissions are compared with an ambient noise measurement without operation of the plant.
The documents created are submitted to the plant authority and subsequently assessed.
Location. Kittsee, Burgenland, Austria
Client. Franz Hauswirth Ges. m.b.H.
Services FCP. Sonic study: calculation, emission and immission measurements; Study of odorous substances: calculation, emission measurements
Participating CCs. CC Acoustics, Dynamics, Building Physics, Measurement & Instrumentation