The carbon footprint of building projects becomes increasingly important. There are different indexes and standards with which the impacts of buildings are calculated. These processes, however, usually take a lot of time and are not flexible and quick enough for checking alternatives.

FCP has developed the tool “BIM goes Green” with which we can quickly and easily prepare the CO2 balance, the eco-index (OI3) or a life-cycle analysis (LCA) for your project based on a BIM model and which clearly shows potential savings by a change of building materials.
For eco-balancing of infrastructures a further, independent tool was developed for studies of alternatives. Centrepiece of this tool is a database for relevant building materials of civil engineering and infrastructure construction developed in the scope of the research project “Decarbonisation First” together with the Vienna University of Technology and the Federal Environment Agency.
Circular Construction
The planning of circular construction gains increasing importance due to the specifications from EU taxonomy and ESG criteria. Multiple utilization of building materials and components has an additional positive aspect for the eco-balance of the building as resources are preserved.
Therefore, we additionally focus on this field to be able to support you in the best possible way: starting from consultation regarding building products up to the material building pass. We help you to make use of the literal concrete gold, also after its expected useful life. As partner of IG Lebenszyklus we intensively deal with this topic due to the direction of the working group “Klimaneutralität und Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bauwesen” (Climate neutrality and circular construction in construction engineering) and as a member of “Digital findet Stadt”, working group “Digitale Grundlagen für kreislauffähiges Bauen” (Digital basics for circular construction).
Sample Projects