Technical Due Diligence
FCP performs services in the field of condition surveys (Technical Due Diligence – TDD) of projects in all project phases. The focus is on structural engineering but also many other structures are considered.
Our experienced team performs TDDs together with legal and economic experts. TDD comprises technical building analyses, site checks up to the check of traffic connections, check of all area statistics, approvals as well as the identification of potential authority risks.
Competence Center

In case of reals estate transactions an early detection of risks, as for example follow-up costs, is very important. In such a check the strong and weak points of a building from a technical point of view are shown. As a rule, TDD means that detailed documentation, which serves as a basis for the purchase decision, must be prepared within a short period of time. In combination with the legal opinion and an economic efficiency calculation the purchaser gets a realistic total impression on his real estate.
To FCP the TDD is, however, not only a support of clients before a purchase decision but also a comprehensive technical assessment of a building from the purchasing idea up to the take-over of the object in all technical aspects (construction-finishing, HVACR, electrical engineering, building physics, traffic etc.), from the approval by the authorities to the evaluation of defects, the support in remedial actions and an analysis of life cycles of structures.
The technical assessment of a structure can, however, be done already in the planning phase on the basis of planning documents and technical descriptions and be used as a basis for the decision.
Our technical assessments include
- assessment of the structural quality and the building technology
- check of relevant documents and basic conditions according to the building laws
- estimation of the investment needs
- utilization studies
- area checks
- upgrade studies
Sample Projects