Shaping the future of construction together: BauXchange as a key for change
Vienna, in February 2024._ The Vienna University of Technology organizes an all-day workshop called BauXchange with several keynote addresses under the motto “Shaping the future together” supported by FCP on 7 March 2024 for the first time – and invites the whole construction sector to actively participate in the change!
Veranstaltungsdetails BauXchange Workshop:
Date: Thursday, 7 March 2024
Location: Kuppelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology, Resselgasse, 1040 Vienna
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.
Food and drinks are offered on site
For further information please visit the official website of BauXchange or contact us under 0664 145 54 28.

The Institute of Construction Process and Construction Economics at the Vienna University of Technology supported by the consulting engineering office FCP organizes an all-day workshop with the title BauXchange in Kuppelsaal of TU Wien on 7 March 2024 for the first time. Representatives of construction, design, research and clients are invited to actively contribute to the change of the construction sector and to jointly develop solutions to further promote the building industry. Objective of the interactive event is to share know-how in order to be able to better manage the various interests and challenges of the building industry in the long run. For the organizers an open dialogue, communication and networking are the keys to a successful and sustainable change.
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Frank Lulei, head of the Institute for Construction Economics and Management at the Vienna University of Technology, considers BauXchange a relevant platform for interdisciplinary exchange. “In research we also pursue a practice-oriented approach. BauXchange offers a valuable chance to the participants to share and further develop findings from research and practice. We cordially invite all persons interested to take part in the BauXchange workshop and to jointly shape the future of construction.”
DI Robert Schedler, managing director of FCP, adds, “At a time where innovation and cooperation are crucial to be able to meet the increasing requirements, BauXchange is an important step to bring together experts and companies and to develop a common vision for the future of the building sector”. Mr. Schedler regards BauXchange as important driving force to push on digital and sustainable transformation in the construction industry.
“As civil engineers we are a relevant part of the change. All parties involved in a building project meet within our scope of duties. Therefore, we are aware of our responsibility to sustainably push on the change, promote innovation and strengthen networking”, says Mr. Schedler.
What does future construction need?
In order to answer this relevant question, the participants jointly approach the topic in keynote addresses. In this connection the comprehensive field of construction is divided into four subject areas: human-being, digitization, sustainability and change. Whereas the area “human-being” treats the social competences of the persons involved in the context of further education and training, the area “digitization” deals with the question how digital tools can support the building industry in the best possible way. In the area “sustainability” the participants scrutinize how sustainable construction can strengthen competitiveness. In the common dialogue “change” the focus is on identifying the real potential for change and how successful change can work.
What can the participants expect?
An exciting day with inspiring keynote addresses by Prof. Frank Lulei (TU Wien), DI Stefan Graf (CEO Leyrer+Graf), Prof. Ina Goller (BFH Bern) as well as lawyer Dr. Martin Schiefer (Schiefer Rechtsanwälte) awaits the participants. The key issues human-being, digitization, sustainability and change are treated. Dr. Niki Popper of the Vienna University of Technology will hold a lecture as special guest in the afternoon session. In addition, the participants will discuss on the four focusses and prepare specific actions in small groups in the form of a world café with notable representatives from the fields of construction. Finally, the individual group results will be presented as a roadmap for the future of construction. Subsequently, the participants can enjoy an evening with background music as well as food and drinks. Nice goody: The results of BauXchange are presented at Baukongress in April 2024.
Representatives of well-known companies like Wiener Linien, Strabag, PORR or Swietelsky, but also of research facilities like the Graz University of Technology, have already registered for the BauXchange workshop to start a dialogue and to actively contribute to the change.
We kindly invite you and your colleagues to take part and actively shape the future of construction!
Photo rights, captions
BauXchange_team01_Presse.jpg: Prof. Frank Lulei (TU Wien), Sonja Kracanovic (FCP), Oleksandr Melnyk (TU Wien), DI Robert Schedler (FCP). © FCP; Aprinting free of charge
BauXchange_team02-Presse.jpg: Prof. Frank Lulei (TU Wien), DI Robert Schedler (FCP). © FCP; printing free of charge
About FCP
FCP (Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH) with its headquarters in Vienna is an internationally active consulting engineering office with approx. 350 employees. With innovative power, know-how, passion and handshake quality FCP supports its clients in Austria and abroad in the implementation of sustainable and innovative projects. The planning and service activities in structural and civil engineering comprise climate protection concepts for municipalities, BIM-supported large-scale projects as well as building certifications, greening of structures and climate-friendly mobility concepts. FCP offers perfectly tailored solutions for individual project demands.
Press Contact
Bianca Schmidt, M.A.
Public Relations
Marxergasse 1B, 1030 Wien
+43 699 12707205