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Rehabilitation Concept+


Step by step towards building rehabilitation.

Your way towards sustainable and efficient rehabilitation of your real estate in only 4 steps.


Rehabilitation Concept+


Have you got a project for which you need support? Please contact our experts.

› Kontakt


We are listed partners:
Qualitätsplattform Sanierungspartner (quality platform rehabilitation partners)

Sanierungskonzept+ Schritt1


We rate your real estate.

Our experts record your building in the course of an initial inspection.

You receive an initial report custom-fit for your object, the Green-Flag-Report, with prioritizations and recommended actions.

Rehabilitation Concept+ step1
Sanierungskonzept+ Schritt2


We see the potential of your real estate.

Analyses of variants of the issues to be observed from the Green-Flag-Report. The strengths and weaknesses of the individual measures are compared and identified in a structured way.

The analysis of variants comprises an analysis regarding the rough costs, potential grants, extension of the service life as well as potential savings.

Rehabilitation Concept+ step2
Sanierungskonzept+ Schritt3


We have the custom-made rehabilitation concept for your real estate.

The selected version ready for implementation will be elaborated in detail.
In addition, we provide reliable information regarding energy demand, economic efficiency analysis and a cost estimate for the planned measures with a confrontation of potential grants.

Our holistic rehabilitation concept fully corresponds to the specifications of the city of Vienna and “Hauskunft in wohnfonds-wien” (special service point for consultation on rehabilitation issues) and thus is eligible for grants up to an amount of 50% of the design services up to a maximum of 5,000 €.

Rehabilitation Concept+ step3
Sanierungskonzept+ Plus


The Plus+ for your real estate.

On demand we extend your rehabilitation concept from traditional optimization of the building envelope and HVACR to full consideration of climate protection issues like mobility, greening, free space design, rainwater management, circular economy, etc.

Rehabilitation Concept+ step4
Sanierungskonzept+ Simulation

In case of special requirements e.g. non-steady building and system simulation, microclimate

Learn more about the KliNa service simulations

Sanierungskonzept+ Energieausweis

Energy performance certificate and determination of energy demand for the selected version.

Sanierungskonzept+ Gebäudebegrünung

We find the optimum alternative for your building like facade or roof greening with roof garden.

Learn more about the KliNa service greening of buildings

Sanierungskonzept+ Gebäudezertifizierung

We support you in any requests on the topic and can perform certifications according to “klimaaktiv” and “ÖGNI/DGNB”.

Learn more about the KliNa service building certifications

Sanierungskonzept+ Wassermanagement

Drainage and rainwater management is a priority topic which is extremely important due to progressive soil sealing and climatic requirements.

Learn more about the KliNa service water management

Sanierungskonzept+ Mobilität

FCP has long-term experience in the design and implementation of attractive shared zones and cycle paths.

Learn more about the KliNa service mobility

Sample Projects

GESIBA Headquarters
Structural Engineering
Structural Engineering
Piaristen College Krems
Structural Engineering