FCP Awards the Innovation Prize
Vienna, December 2022._ FCP awards the FCP Innovation Prize to scientific research papers in the field of sustainable civil engineering every two years. This year’s prize winners were honoured in a ceremony at the Vienna University of Technology on 2 December 2022.
Already since 2009 the Viennese engineering office FCP (Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH) has invited contributions for the Innovation Prize – initially every year and since 2018 every two years. This prize recognizes outstanding scientific achievements in engineering and innovative technical contributions, which provide important findings for construction engineering in practice. On 2 December 2022 this year’s prize winners were awarded within the scope of an academic celebration in the Kuppelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology and the glass cup of FCP as well as prize money amounting to 10,000 € were handed over.

From Research to Practice
Construction engineering needs innovative and sustainable solutions to be able cope with the complex ecological and economic requirements of the 21st century. The FCP Innovation Prize has the objective to give appreciation to young researchers and their scientific findings. “We have the central wish to bring important research results into practice and strengthen the innovative force in construction engineering “, said Dieter Pichler, managing partner of FCP and engineering consultant for civil engineering. “We are impressed by the high quality of the submissions and congratulate the prize winners on their outstanding works. “ All in all 15 contributions in the form of diploma or master theses or dissertations were submitted from several fields of engineering. The papers were assessed according to the criteria innovation, practice/science and relevance by an expert jury consisting of representatives of the Vienna University of Technology, the University of Innsbruck and FCP (Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH).
FCP Prize Winners 2021/22
A diploma thesis and a dissertation were decorated. The diploma thesis deals with the research of construction components and the dissertation with the application of augmented reality in construction engineering.
Marion Decker investigated the confinement effect in partially loaded load transfer zones by means of various scientific methods in the field of reinforcement in her diploma thesis at the Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Institute of Structural Engineering. In practice the novel reinforcement concept has already been applied within the scope of a research project. The findings for tunnel construction serve for the resource-efficient use of construction components.
Harald Urban has achieved new insights on digital transformation of construction processes in his Ph.D. studies at the Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering. He dealt with augmented reality in connection with openBIM in his dissertation. The application of BIM in building projects enables the use of further technologies like augmented reality. Consequently, time and costs can be saved on building sites during the defect survey. Harald Urban received the buildingSMART Award for this approach.
Further information: FCP Award
Photo credits, captions:
FCP-TU-Wien-Preis-01.jpg: Robert Schedler, managing partner of FCP, in the scope of the graduation celebration of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology.
Photo credit: © Matthias Heisler
FCP-TU-Wien-Preis-02.jpg: Christian Nüssel/FCP, Robert Schedler/FCP, Marion Decker/ Vienna University of Technology, Dieter Pichler/FCP .
Photo credit: © Matthias Heisler
FCP-TU-Wien-Preis-03.jpg: Christian Nüssel/FCP, Robert Schedler/FCP, Harald Urban/ Vienna University of Technology, Dieter Pichler/FCP.
Photo credit: © Matthias Heisler
About FCP
FCP (Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH) with its headquarters in Vienna is an internationally active consulting engineering office with approximately 350 employees. With innovative power, know-how, passion and handshake quality FCP supports its clients in Austria and abroad for the realization of sustainable and innovative projects. The planning and service activities in structural and civil engineering comprise climate protection concepts for municipalities, BIM-supported large-scale projects as well as building certifications, greening of structures and climate-friendly mobility concepts. FCP offers perfectly tailored solutions for individual project demands.
Press contact:
Bianca Schmidt, M.A.
Public Relations
Marxergasse 1B, 1030 Wien
+43 699 12707205