St. Josef Hospital
The St. Josef Hospital had the objective to extend the hospital floor space with an annexe and reconstruction under the title "Implementation of Master Plan". The project focused on the new construction of an inpatient ward and a further functional ward, the enlargement of the ward for gynaecology and obstetrics, the establishment of the ward for paediatrics and neonatology as well as the creation of a barrier-free access by means of the erection of a new entrance hall. The floor space was extended to approx. 25,700 m² by the three new buildings amounting to 10,400 m².
FCP was commissioned with the services of site supervision within the scope of this project. The project includes services of temporary construction pit systems, structural engineering as well as specialized services like for example extension of operations. The biggest challenge for site supervision was the coordination of the individual trades, coordination with the hospital regarding temporary solutions to be established, temporary guidance systems as well as noise disturbances to be mitigated as the whole hospital was in service during the construction measures.
After partial completions in several sections the last construction stage could be handed over to the client in summer 2022 and the project could be concluded by site supervision after 8 years.
Location. Auhofstraße 189, 1130 Vienna
Client. St. Josef Hospital
Services of FCP. Site supervision
Participating CCs. CC Site supervision

Apart from the new construction of the inpatient ward, the operating rooms, an oncological day hospital as well as numerous renewed (thoroughly refurbished) wards also the most innovative Austrian ward for neonatology was realized. The parent-child-units established there enable the best possible care of ill and premature babies thanks to the presence of the parents during the whole stay of their baby.
The ward for gynaecology and obstetrics (delivery) was enormously enlarged by the annexe and the reconstruction. At the start of the project the planned childbirths should have been raised to 2400 per year. This target was, however, increased to 4000 childbirths/year due to the project extension and was already reached before completion just with the reconstruction of the original maternity ward. In 2021 the St. Josef Hospital counted 4134 births.